To help you have a better idea of the importance of water conservation and actions you can take, we’ve provided this list of Frequently Asked Questions.

The Pass Area’s water supply is secure and reliable. Our groundwater basins – a significant source of the regional supply – are healthy, stable, and well managed thanks to partnerships and basin water recharge. Imported water from Northern California is used to replenish local groundwater basins to keep them from becoming depleted. We do not anticipate running out of water during this drought; however, we must conserve and move forward with caution to ensure a sustainable future.

Droughts in California and the western United States are becoming longer and more frequent. The state is in its third year of drought, and the situation is dire. It is difficult to predict what the 2022-23 rainy season will bring. Even if it is a wetter winter, California will continue to experience dry conditions and impacts of climate change, making water efficiency essential.

Conservation is key to managing our local and state water supplies. Our area’s basins have enough groundwater for now, but we don’t know how long this drought will last or when the next one will start. When the state faces severe drought, imported water allocations are often reduced, which affects our ability to replenish groundwater resources. Saving today helps ensure the Pass Area has water in the future by extending our supplies. Think of it as conservation for the next generation!

Small changes to your daily habits can result in meaningful savings. We urge you to continue your water-efficiency efforts and look for new ways to save. Here are some easy ways you can start today:


  • Turn off the water when brushing your teeth or washing your hands.
  • Run the dishwasher and washing machine only when full.
  • Plug the tub and adjust the temperature as it fills instead of waiting for warm water. Take shorter showers too!
  • Check for and fix leaks inside the home, including sinks, tubs/showers, water heater, dishwasher and washing machine.


  • Follow outdoor water rules and keep irrigation to a minimum. Outdoor water use makes up the largest share of consumption!
  • Make sure your sprinklers are watering the landscaping, not the sidewalk, patio or driveway.
  • Use a hose with an automatic shutoff nozzle.
  • Replace grass and landscaping with native, drought-tolerant plants.
  • Take your car to a commercial carwash that recycles water.
  • Check for and promptly fix leaking sprinklers or spigots.

In March 2022, following the driest three months on record, Governor Gavin Newsom issued an Executive Order directing the State Water Resources Control Board to consider adopting drought emergency water conservation regulations. The State Water Resources Control Board adopted Emergency Regulations in May 2022 to reduce water demand, increase conservation and mitigate the effects of ongoing droughts. Effective June 10, 2022, the orders:

  • Require water providers to implement water restrictions outlined in their Water Shortage Contingency Plan for a shortage level of 10% to 20%.
  • Prohibit the watering of decorative, non-functional turf at commercial, industrial and institutional locations, including HOAs. The ban does not apply to trees or plants.

These conservation measures build upon statewide efficiency requirements already in place, including:

  • No watering of lawns for 48 hours after measurable rainfall
  • Avoid runoff from outdoor watering onto sidewalks or streets
  • Avoid using drinking water for:
    • Decorative water fountains or filling/topping off ponds or lakes
    • Street cleaning or construction site preparation, unless necessary to protect public health and safety
  • Use automatic shutoff nozzles on water hoses for washing cars and other purposes
  • Clean sidewalks and driveways with a broom instead of a hose

Water conservation is a way of life in California and must continue beyond this drought. The 2022 statewide emergency orders will remain in effect for one year, unless otherwise determined by the State Water Resources Control Board.

Visit your water provider’s website or contact their customer service team for information on local conservation measures.

It’s up to each water provider to determine how they will enforce local requirements; violations often include penalties that increase per occurrence. Contact your water provider to learn more. Violations of State Water Resources Control Board mandates are subject to a fine of up to $500 for each day the violation occurs.

Our communities rely on imported water and local groundwater. The Pass Area’s consortium of water agencies, including wholesaler San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency (SGPWA) and local retailers, have been working together for decades to secure water supplies and preserve groundwater. Efforts include expanding delivery systems, diversifying water sources, and investing in state projects such as the Sites Reservoir and Delta Conveyance to ensure we can import more water in wet years to get us through dry years.

The Pass Area’s water agencies are devoted to planning for a water-secure future. Ongoing efforts include:

  • Regional partnerships
  • Purchases of imported water, including buying extra water when possible
  • Storage of water for later use
  • System improvements to store and deliver water
  • Innovative and responsible water supply management practices
  • Groundwater preservation and protection

These practices will continue, but saving water is critical to ensure we maintain a reliable supply for decades to come.

Water agencies in the Pass Area offer engaging and fun programs and activities for students and young people to learn about the importance of water and how to use it wisely. Visit your water provider’s website to find out more.

The Pass Area receives some of its water via the San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency (SGPWA), a wholesale agency that serves a 225-square-mile area of western Riverside County. The water, which originates as snow in the Sierra Nevada mountain range in Northern California, traverses hundreds of miles through tributaries, rivers and then the State Water Project / California Aqueduct. The water imported by SGPWA supplements local groundwater used by customers across the region. For details about the water delivered directly to your tap, contact your local water provider.

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